The mind killer

An odd one for me this. I don't have a problem posting my work and having it looked at and dismissed or like by people. Taste is subjective, some of my work will be liked and loved by some people,  others will detest or be indifferent to the work. Those same people will have different reactions to different work.  This is just like that, but different. The problem I have is not how the work will be received. More how I will be received. The body judgement. It was touch and go that I would post this. 
But the only reason for me to not post this is fear. Fear of judgement. And fuck fear. It's my body and it is what it is at some point it will be worm food. Just meat. Thinking meat. So here is the work in progress as it is. 

looking at you.

Looking at the work so far ( 2hrs worth).  The main areas that need addressing are the head shoulders and arms. They are all too small in proportion. The feet are pretty spot on but they lack detail. I want to add generative elements to the work, but that s a long way off. 

Generate this...

Monday is usually coding Monday. Today it was get in the cave and paint after sorting all the stuff and things. From 0945 to 1130 I was houseworking. Rocking. I had until 1400 to get work done. I made some rubbish and the paintings below were worked on. 

Spíritum in art machina, oil on board.


Spíritum in art machina, oil on board, still a little more to do.

Untitled Generative work, 23 cm x 23 cm, oil on canvas. 

This was generated with dice rolls, the dice rolls were time limited. The painting and rolls were completed together but were limited in time. I arbitrarily chose The Smashing Pumpkins Gish album and work for the first 7 songs on the album. Some more work is needed, but its mainly fills and the paint was too wet to work with at the time.



I couldn't think of a better title. Aardvark chaos would have been an interesting yet misleading title. Today involved no aardvarks, but a little of my favourite kind of chaos.
That right more generative art works.

Dice Generated watercolour, Lamp black over cadmium red, 10" x 7"

And a work in progress.

D12 generated pattern, Pencil on watercolour paper, 10" x 7"

D12 generated pattern, Pencil on watercolour paper, 10" x 7"

The D12 means I used a 12 sided dice to calculate the variables. I'd love to have this on a larger scale. It's a work in progress so its got to be neatened and colour to be added (again through generated systems).

Bad day at the office part 2

I mentioned I had some work that  went well earlier. Both pieces are a bit experimental. One generative and one abstract based on Piranesi's 'Imaginary Prisons'.  I was trying to update and improve my Piranesi paintings, and  I think  that was part of the problem. My head and ideas are no longer bothered about the Piranesi work. I'm  in the full flow of generative work and I should have stuck with that. 

Thoatwell burnt with umbers. WIP

Thoatwell burnt with umbers. WIP

Dice generated painting No.2 (with data notation), 23cm x 23 cm, Oil on canvas.

Dice generated painting No.2 (with data notation), 23cm x 23 cm, Oil on canvas.