Cathal Lindsay Cathal Lindsay

Bad day at the office part 2

I mentioned I had some work that  went well earlier. Both pieces are a bit experimental. One generative and one abstract based on Piranesi's 'Imaginary Prisons'.  I was trying to update and improve my Piranesi paintings, and  I think  that was part of the problem. My head and ideas are no longer bothered about the Piranesi work. I'm  in the full flow of generative work and I should have stuck with that. 

Thoatwell burnt with umbers. WIP

Thoatwell burnt with umbers. WIP

Dice generated painting No.2 (with data notation), 23cm x 23 cm, Oil on canvas.

Dice generated painting No.2 (with data notation), 23cm x 23 cm, Oil on canvas.

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Cathal Lindsay Cathal Lindsay

Piranesi Reimprisioned

So as promised yesterday, here are the paintings I lovingly crafted yesterday. Well finished off at least. Both works are part of my 'Piranesi Reimprisioned Series'. 'Pink Dotted Gateway' is based on Piranesi's Prison etching 'The Drawbridge' and 'Piranesi's Frustrated Lamp' is based on his 'Pier with lamp'. 

If you have not seen his prison etchings I urge you to go have an eye bath in them. SERIOUSLY. Oh is that a handy link to them way down the bottom of my post? Maybe...

Piranesi's Pink Dotted Gateway, Oil on Canvas, 80cm x 60cm. 

Piranesi's Pink Dotted Gateway, Oil on Canvas, 80cm x 60cm. 

This work below was finished as well.

Piranesi's Frustrated Lamp, Oil on canvas, 80cm x 60cm

Piranesi's Frustrated Lamp, Oil on canvas, 80cm x 60cm

Like I said I had a superb day.  Thanks for taking a look! 
Heres the link to Piranesi's work. Its the Imaginary Prisons that hold my attention.
'Imaginary Prisons'

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WIP Cathal Lindsay WIP Cathal Lindsay

Freshly Mined

I've had a tough day down the paint mine. Much of the work was just not happening. Ideas were not coalescing. I don't get much time to paint,(although it's getting better time wise) so when I get a day in my  cave of paint I don't want to waste it.

Rather than call it a day I painted through the non-painting stage. I came out the other side with a lot of duds and one or two gems. 

Gem one - a Work in Progress. I've titled it Piranesi's Frustrated Pier as it uses the composition of his 'Pier with Trophies' from his Prison etching series. 

Piranesi's Frustrated Pier, Oil on canvas, 80 cm x 60 cm. (WIP) 

Piranesi's Frustrated Pier, Oil on canvas, 80 cm x 60 cm. (WIP) 

Gem two- is part of my Procedural Painting Series. 

Procedural Painting V4.1.3,  Oil on canvas paper, 14" x 10". 

Procedural Painting V4.1.3,  Oil on canvas paper, 14" x 10". 

I'm off to Liverpool tomorrow and hopefully I'll be able to fix the duds on Thursday.

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Stuff and Guff

Soundcloud is where I put my sonic dreams. When I make them.