The mind killer
An odd one for me this. I don't have a problem posting my work and having it looked at and dismissed or like by people. Taste is subjective, some of my work will be liked and loved by some people, others will detest or be indifferent to the work. Those same people will have different reactions to different work. This is just like that, but different. The problem I have is not how the work will be received. More how I will be received. The body judgement. It was touch and go that I would post this.
But the only reason for me to not post this is fear. Fear of judgement. And fuck fear. It's my body and it is what it is at some point it will be worm food. Just meat. Thinking meat. So here is the work in progress as it is.
Looking at the work so far ( 2hrs worth). The main areas that need addressing are the head shoulders and arms. They are all too small in proportion. The feet are pretty spot on but they lack detail. I want to add generative elements to the work, but that s a long way off.
Figure studies
I've been trying to get to life drawing classes, but with two kids to put to bed at night, it has proved nigh impossible and definitely impractical. So I've started using myself as a model. The image below has been taken from a photo. Future posts may get a bit more 'full monty' I'm not sure. Posting the painting makes me feel uncomfortable, I guess if I had a more Hellenistic physique I'd feel a little less bothered.
I look miserable in the painting but I was feeling pretty chipper at the time.
Self life study, 23cm x 23 cm, oil on canvas.
Stuff and Guff
Soundcloud is where I put my sonic dreams. When I make them.