Bad day at the office

I  have almost finished one painting today, wrote of two paintings and have radically altered a third. I hate days like this where I work really hard at getting my ideas out and it all gets lost and falls apart. 

Orange Horse - Soon to be blank painted over canvas.

Orange Horse - Soon to be blank painted over canvas.

Self portrait in blocks - RIP

Self portrait in blocks - RIP

Figure studies

I've been trying to get to life drawing classes, but with two kids to put to bed at night, it has proved nigh impossible and definitely impractical. So I've started using myself as a model. The image below has been taken from a photo.  Future posts may get a bit more 'full monty'  I'm  not sure. Posting the painting makes me feel uncomfortable, I guess if I had a more Hellenistic physique I'd feel a little less bothered. 
I look miserable in the painting but I was feeling pretty chipper at the time.  

Self life study, 23cm x 23 cm, oil on canvas.

Self life study, 23cm x 23 cm, oil on canvas.

Forward unto the cave!!

I've finally managed to get into the cave to paint today. Mainly just working on works in progress.  In other news I have work in the Nude Tin Can Gallery in St Albans. 

Greenscape,  85cm x 65 cm, Oil on canvas.

Greenscape,  85cm x 65 cm, Oil on canvas.

The work done today in the cave is below.

Spíritum in art machina, oil on board, Work in progress.

Spíritum in art machina, oil on board, Work in progress.

Throatwell, oil on canvas, rework in progress.

Throatwell, oil on canvas, rework in progress.


As  Logjammer is bursting with the chicken pox (So called as the sores looked like chickpeas apparently. Logjammer looks particularly appetising ironically.)  I've taken the time to begin some much needed restyling of my site. I have also discovered that Tumblr and my website don't agee on images. So I will be rethinking my tumblr approach. 

The maintenance has made me realise I need to get my admin in order as I have lost sizes of works and need to remeasure and rethink my pricing structure. 

Enough words have some art. 
