Poxing Pox.

I had such  great plans. Plans within plans within plans and all has come unstuck. I would have gotten away with it too if it wasn't for them dang pesky kids and their chicken pox. I had a week where my parents were over to help with the kids and house, but as that was the week my daughter decieded to get chicken pox my 'get stuff sorted' time went out the window and now my youngest has the pox. YAY kids. Love them really.  

So I'm behind on where I'd like to be but, hey that just means I've got stuff to do. Tonights missions are totally online, entries for competions and fairs.

I've been reading up on art fairs, and it would seem that they can be a good idea, but you have to take a long term veiw and be in it for the long haul. They cost a pretty penny to be in, any where from £200 for a stall up to £500 in London. The idea is you need to commite to being a regular exhibitor over a period of years, at least 3 before you will begin to realistically see any return. That's a huge outlay for any artist and craftsperson. 

In other news my work has been accpected for the Summer Exhbition at the Menier Gallery arranged by Exhibit Here.  The two pieces are shown below. I also have to update alot of the work on these pages. YAYupdating. I'll be doing that over a few nights.

Artis ex machina

Lots and lots of work done in the cave since last time. Not all of it fanatastic work, but the paintings I have been working on are getting me excited.

I love posting my work in progress stages. The series of images below are from a new potrait work, I think it fits into the 'Pattern Recognition' Series.

The next stage is to apply the second layer of raw data, another final layer of generated tape and then colour.  It will be interesting when I finally get to remove the masking tape. 

In other news I have all but completed my 'Data Set Toilet' a few generative tweaks and bish bash bosh. Generative art based on a tiny bathroom.

Data Set Toilet (Generative art.) , 20" x 20", Oil on Primed Board

Data Set Toilet (Generative art.) , 20" x 20", Oil on Primed Board

Been away for a while.

I have been away from here for a while and generally struggling with all my social media. The problem lies with how things are panning out in my life right now.
Those who know me know of my wife's brain tumor. This is a constant horrible weight on both of us. Recently we have been going in to see her oncologist very 3 months. Thankfully the news has always been positive, but the 3 monthly reminder of the timebomb in her head. 
Things have gotten more intense; my wife has now be dianosed wit
h  depression. Where she would normally have the energy to help with the kids and housework. She finds she can't.  I feel so useless I can't do anything to help her. I can't sort the brain tumor and I can't lift the depression from her.

The only thing I can do is work on my art, look after the kids, keep the house in a reasonable state and stay positive for her. It's hard. I have no solutions, no answers.

I hate the whole situation. The images below have been painted in anger at it all.

In your face Monday

My coding frustrations are just Mondays badly dressed cobwebs. With the suave flick of a paint brush I slew the digital misery that hovered above me.  Today has been a good day to paint. Not such a good day for photographs, but that's just because I sent(left) my camera on holiday in Poole.  The net result being that I now use the trusty smartphone to take pictures. ( I distinctly remember in the late 90's poo pooing the idea of taking a photo on a  phone.)

So todays servings mined from the depths of the cave.

Nugget one is finished - (apologies for the naff photo but as I said I left my camera in Poole and this is the best I could get today.)

Broken Code? 9" x6" oil on triple primed board  

Broken Code? 9" x6" oil on triple primed board  

And another abstract in progress, I'm just playing wit ideas on this one, at the moment I'm thinking of bubble or throw up graffiti shapes in some kind of alien writing, but we'll see where it goes.

Typo 9" x 6" oil on primed board.

Typo 9" x 6" oil on primed board.

and finally two works in progress. 

Data Set Toilet, 20"x20", oil on primed board. 2015

This is based on set of measurements I have taken of the interior of our toilet (room) each of the squares gets their position and size based  on the dimensions of the objects in the room. The use of the masking tape has introduced a glitchy emergent property to the work. I hope this feel the work has stays. This is a work in progress and has some way to go yet. 

Dice painting 28042015, oil on board, 9"x9" 2015

This is the beginning of a series that are painted according to dice rolls. The dice are rolled in groups of 4, and then painted. this is done for an hour then the painting is finished off with extra line work and colour.