Something over due
I'm well past an update on what I've been doing recently. My work is falling into what I consider to be 3 distinct areas :
1. Glitched work.
This involves using multiple exposures, apps on my phone like Decim8, Audacity and Photoshop.
The work produced is mainly photographic, and tries to give a sense of a memory of a space moved though and seen from many angles, whilst revealing the 'coded' nature of these memories.
Landlocked and Sunblinded
If this needs clarifying ask me what the hell I'm on about.
2. Self portraiture. Due to a lot of factors, the main one I work out of my garage and don't leave there unless the kids are bleeding or hungry. The net result is I see me a lot and hang out too much in my head. With the portraits I'm trying to express the emotions and mind states I'm feeling. The works feel self referential to me. Me expressing my mind state in paint to me.
Pattern Recognition
3. Text based work. I'm loath to call the work typographical as that implies the art of letter design. My work with the text is about flows of consciousness and word play. In the main each word really references and springboards off the previous. I create syntactically correct phrases, where the semantics break down past the word level. The inspiration comes from the 'myth of the book' and from Paul Klee's 'Open Book'.
Pox 167.
These various strands overlap, and currently I'm trying to find a way to link them together in a way that is both visually and conceptually pleasing to me.
Figure studies
I've been trying to get to life drawing classes, but with two kids to put to bed at night, it has proved nigh impossible and definitely impractical. So I've started using myself as a model. The image below has been taken from a photo. Future posts may get a bit more 'full monty' I'm not sure. Posting the painting makes me feel uncomfortable, I guess if I had a more Hellenistic physique I'd feel a little less bothered.
I look miserable in the painting but I was feeling pretty chipper at the time.
Self life study, 23cm x 23 cm, oil on canvas.
Forward unto the cave!!
I've finally managed to get into the cave to paint today. Mainly just working on works in progress. In other news I have work in the Nude Tin Can Gallery in St Albans.
Greenscape, 85cm x 65 cm, Oil on canvas.
The work done today in the cave is below.
Spíritum in art machina, oil on board, Work in progress.
Throatwell, oil on canvas, rework in progress.
Artis ex machina
Lots and lots of work done in the cave since last time. Not all of it fanatastic work, but the paintings I have been working on are getting me excited.
I love posting my work in progress stages. The series of images below are from a new potrait work, I think it fits into the 'Pattern Recognition' Series.

The next stage is to apply the second layer of raw data, another final layer of generated tape and then colour. It will be interesting when I finally get to remove the masking tape.
In other news I have all but completed my 'Data Set Toilet' a few generative tweaks and bish bash bosh. Generative art based on a tiny bathroom.
Data Set Toilet (Generative art.) , 20" x 20", Oil on Primed Board
Stuff and Guff
Soundcloud is where I put my sonic dreams. When I make them.