Later is now
It's laterz now and I have been beating my head against code for FOREVER!!!
This is why I must do coding Mondays, I don't practice enough and spend hours relearning what I already know. Well I'm in the digital saddle again and I have finally worked out the basics of OOP( Object Oriented Programing). I hope.
Anyways my words can be wordy so heres some images to look at.
Cheers for reading. I'm off to superhero it on some game for a 1/2 hour before bed, so if anyone wants me I'll be saving Gaslight Gotham or some such.
Reorganise, work, repeat.
The time continuum refuses to bend to my will so I must bend before it. Planning, preparing, completing, mounting work and trying to learn coding at the same time is not working. So henceforth Mondays are Art with code days. Tuesdays are painting days. Thursdays are the (when life allows) lifedrawing days. I also need to find a better way to manage my social media, as it is has become a monster that I fear to feed. Honestly keeping on top of my social media is enough to keep going all day.
Anyways until later. Keep to the path and stay off the moors.
Rare Art - Exhibit Here.
WOW ! !
Just WOW! The exhibit in the Menier Gallery in London was amazing. I am so chuffed to have been apart of it. The private view was packed and was such fun. I met up with some dear and great friends, but unfortunately I forgot my camera, and only had my poorly charged camera phone on hand. BOO I hear you cry.
Ah my dear friends bear with me. I may have sod all photos of the event due to my phones electrical charge equivalent of a Gnats memory, but I can provide you with a link to images that you can view.
As for what I have been up to since last time we spoke. Well things are getting busy for me in the next few months. I have a local craft fair I have a stall at, I'm involved with Bank Street Arts for their Open Studios contribution to the Sheffield art walk. I will also be takin part in their "work in progress" project.
"We want paintings!!!" I hear you. I hear you. Have patience I have some below. First up is a side project, I guess you could call it a commission. Nah who am I kidding I've been working on a birthday present for my daughter's fifth birthday . ( To be honest I had meant to have it completed for Christmas, but hey life and things.) It's a superhero piece. It's almost done.
To be honest the composition sucks. Too much red on the left. the black cowl of Batman running into the black hair or Wonder Woman and finally the green of The Hulk. It should have ran Ironman, Batman, Hulk, Wonder Woman, Spiderman.
And just because I can I glitched the image.
It's late so tomorrow I'll post my nerd/geekgasm.
Burnt up and washed out
I'll hold my hands up. I've been putting too much on myself. Trying to keep the house in a reasonable state, look after the kids, make sure my wife is okay, trying to keep on top of, I forget how many social media platforms, from facebook to tsu and G+, as well as trying to complete 5 finished works a week, 1 hours worth of drawing a night, watercolour practice, learn coding, working out new ideas for projects and photo editing. Even though I have managed to get alot of this done this month, I feel like I have achieved absolutely nothing. Stupid right. I can't help but feel this way, I have projects I want finished and jobs around the house I want done.
Any way enough about me whining on and on. I'm off to paint or draw something and hopefully refine my watercolour usage.
I'd do this. Which I quite like.
Stuff and Guff
Soundcloud is where I put my sonic dreams. When I make them.