WIP Cathal Lindsay WIP Cathal Lindsay

Lupercalia eve.

This was going to be a post about the ongoing exhibition in the Circle Gallery in Sheffield, but I've been really busy with life and not had time to even draft a post. (*shakes fist at life) Instead, you will be led astray by workings and smearings in the cave 'o paint. (I wonder does it sound more mysterious in latin, BRB) -De spelunca pingere- meh. 

I got side tracked there.

These are two painting I was working on alongside 'Harm of Self' and 'Interrupting Thoughts'. As I mentioned in the last post 'Harm of Self' and 'Interrupting Thoughts' were resolved and finished before these two. They are both still works in progress.

Below are two shots FRGMNTFD of the first how it is now and the second experimenting with stencils. ( I stuck the stencils down and painted a portrait over the top then removed the stencil letters) The letters spell (minus vowels) FRaGMeNT.

frgmntsfd-prep stencils wip.jpg

This  image (below) is a better photo of V//D. I need to work some subtle marks into the 'pacman' shapes and balance one or two things up. I'm going to try to make the reds more punchy, digitally to get a rough idea of whether it's a genius move or a complete suineg (reverse of genius) move.



#cathalpaint #artcan ArtCan #mentalhealth #wip #sheffieldartist

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art365 Cathal Lindsay art365 Cathal Lindsay

Forward unto the cave!!

I've finally managed to get into the cave to paint today. Mainly just working on works in progress.  In other news I have work in the Nude Tin Can Gallery in St Albans. 

Greenscape,  85cm x 65 cm, Oil on canvas.

Greenscape,  85cm x 65 cm, Oil on canvas.

The work done today in the cave is below.

Spíritum in art machina, oil on board, Work in progress.

Spíritum in art machina, oil on board, Work in progress.

Throatwell, oil on canvas, rework in progress.

Throatwell, oil on canvas, rework in progress.

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Cathal Lindsay Cathal Lindsay

Poxing Pox.

I had such  great plans. Plans within plans within plans and all has come unstuck. I would have gotten away with it too if it wasn't for them dang pesky kids and their chicken pox. I had a week where my parents were over to help with the kids and house, but as that was the week my daughter decieded to get chicken pox my 'get stuff sorted' time went out the window and now my youngest has the pox. YAY kids. Love them really.  

So I'm behind on where I'd like to be but, hey that just means I've got stuff to do. Tonights missions are totally online, entries for competions and fairs.

I've been reading up on art fairs, and it would seem that they can be a good idea, but you have to take a long term veiw and be in it for the long haul. They cost a pretty penny to be in, any where from £200 for a stall up to £500 in London. The idea is you need to commite to being a regular exhibitor over a period of years, at least 3 before you will begin to realistically see any return. That's a huge outlay for any artist and craftsperson. 

In other news my work has been accpected for the Summer Exhbition at the Menier Gallery arranged by Exhibit Here.  The two pieces are shown below. I also have to update alot of the work on these pages. YAYupdating. I'll be doing that over a few nights.

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Cathal Lindsay Cathal Lindsay

The week that was....

I have been really busy recently, as you may have noticed from my upcoming events I have a few pieces in upcoming exhibitions. I'm looking forward to the 'Rare Art' exhibition in London on the 14th of April. Submitting the piece for the exhibition has reminded me how much I enjoyed painting the glitchy art works. I feel this will be the direction I go with the Sheffield cityscapes. 

There is also an exhibition in the Bank Street Arts Gallery, I'm thinking of creating either an algorithmical or glitchy urban art piece for it. Ideally I'd like to have the work as a response to the gallery. 

On other news I'm trying to learn how to use watercolours. These are so alien to me, I love to work into the paint building up details and moving the paint on the canvas. This is a big no no with watercolour. That at much I have learnt. I have a book on watercolour painting techniques but to be honest it is really dry reading. I prefer to do and learn on the 'job' but I think I'm going to have to just bite the bullet and read this book. I was hoping to just scan it and pick up the mystical secrets of the watercolourists. 

Here are some of the works I've done in watercolour which I'm not too embarassed by.

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Stuff and Guff

Soundcloud is where I put my sonic dreams. When I make them.