The week that was....
I have been really busy recently, as you may have noticed from my upcoming events I have a few pieces in upcoming exhibitions. I'm looking forward to the 'Rare Art' exhibition in London on the 14th of April. Submitting the piece for the exhibition has reminded me how much I enjoyed painting the glitchy art works. I feel this will be the direction I go with the Sheffield cityscapes.
There is also an exhibition in the Bank Street Arts Gallery, I'm thinking of creating either an algorithmical or glitchy urban art piece for it. Ideally I'd like to have the work as a response to the gallery.
On other news I'm trying to learn how to use watercolours. These are so alien to me, I love to work into the paint building up details and moving the paint on the canvas. This is a big no no with watercolour. That at much I have learnt. I have a book on watercolour painting techniques but to be honest it is really dry reading. I prefer to do and learn on the 'job' but I think I'm going to have to just bite the bullet and read this book. I was hoping to just scan it and pick up the mystical secrets of the watercolourists.
Here are some of the works I've done in watercolour which I'm not too embarassed by.