My face Your eyes.

Okay so things have been a bit crazy round Chez Cathal. I'm looking after my youngest 4 days a week. This could have been a willpower sapping disaster, which would result in me making nothing everyday.  To combat this easy slide into mind numbing non creativeness I set myself the task of creating a self portrait everyday ( excepting  weekends) .

My initial reasoning was I was thinking about the overabundance of selfies out there and how different and similar they are to art of self portraiture. I have no problem with selfies. I enjoy them, seeing my friends feeling confident enough to post an image of themselves, because they love how they look today, that's cool. Where I think selfies vs self portrait, differ is that selfies are more outward looking and self portraits are more inward looking.  This is  my initial thoughts and I'm interested to see where this goes. 

Here's the weeks portraits so far.



Moot point


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