050524 - 8 - 40 - Sunday?!

I've been working really hard at my mental health and using my DBT skills. (Dialectical Behavioural Therapy) It's been a very tough, long, process. I'm not ready to share all of that. I may never.

Today I was feeling unanchored and chose to listen to the blindboy podcast (which I can't recommend enough) the podcast today, rekindled a part of me I was neglecting. It reminded me to label and understand the roots of my anchorlessness. To take steps to improve the moment and plan a routine.

I came home and sat and journaled on my scraps of paper as I never get round to actually buying/using a journal.

Without further ado here are my thoughts.

How do I experience happy?

  • It feels good to use my thoughts to progress and grow

  • To create, draw, paint etc is fulfilling to me.

  • Knowing that my efforts to be a good dad are more positive than negative.

  • To be in the company of people and to converse helps me with connection to the world.

  • Finding little interesting things, a new word, a joke so on , these make me smile and encourage pleasant emotions.

  • I find joy in physical sensations that feel effortless.

I know to experience the sensation of happiness, I don't need to do all of these things. But I do need to check the ink levels and asset what my current needs are, what my opportunities are and then plan and act.

Nothing earth shattering here. But it was a necessary process to think out and realise.

It was timely as Space Wizard L needed a pep talk.

I'm off to go do the things that fill the ink levels.

Something about a commitment to post once a month

The past few years have been difficult to say the least. I'll get on that another time. This is just a quick prompt to remind me that I should use this more often. I will compose a riveting post about my current art investigations and interests.

Been a while again

I’m back for a bit. Not making any promises about for how long. I do have access to a garage that I’m slowly getting made into my studio, so hopefully I can get back to painting again. I’ve made some stuff I’m happy with. Happy enough to put it up here.

Dangerous Clive looking shadey

I've spent about 7 -9 hrs on this. I'm glad to know that I can still mantain focus for that long. I'm miffed that my arms don't like to be held horizontal for asking as the use to. It makes shading a bit of a pain.

I'm going to watch more of my course and see what things I can glean from it to help me improve on my shading and tonal identification.

The lower jaw still irks me. The proportions are correct, or they seem so. But they are probably off by mils and that has a culminative effect of looking wrong. Anyway, it's the best I can do at the moment in terms of skill and patience.