Something done, something blue
Only managed to log 2hrs in the deathtrap cave o paint. Currently that is not unusual. I'd love to get in there later and paint up a storm, but after getting, the kids in bed I'll be running low on motivation.
Anyway I worked on 4 things today. 2 small finished pieces and 2 work in progress.
Ch-ch- check 'em out (turn table scratch) wikiy- wa-wa!
self portrait without a clever title, oil on canvas paper, 10" x 10"
I had a naff price of work that I painted this on top of. I believe I have improved it.
abstracted and blue, oil on cardboard, 9"x 14" (or something)
Abstracted this from a selfish I want to use again. Nice as a study I guess.
MMoL (working title) 90 cm x 60 cm, oil on canvas
As you can see I'm consistent with my units of measurement. A work in progress that I'm enjoying.
Pretty much done with this just some little tweaks here and there and bingo.