Santa, Lines and Skulls.
It's been really hectic for me recently. Lots disruption to my normal work schedule. Which means I've not been as regular with these posts as I would like to be. So enough whining about poor old me, "What have you been up to?" I hear you ask. Well the answer my friend is blowin' in the wind( a Scorpion reference always helps everything along.) The real answer lies below...(spooky)
I've been focusing on just two paintings lately which is really odd for me. Both works are significant to me, because I'm really trying to push and gel my ideas together. First up is my procedural painting from my last post.
Procedural Painting V3.1.2 20" x 20" Oil on Board. WIP
I'm trying to really make use of emergent properties with this series. See my blog hop for more details. As I work from a series of instructions for these paintings I inevitably make mistakes, but rather than get rid of my mistakes or 'glitches' I incorporate them into my work. The bottom right corner has a grey smear which was a misplaced square. It should have gone and has been placed correctly above near the top right corner. To highlight the glitch I circled it in black. The other circles and squares have come into being because of how the painting interacts with itself. (For example when lines from different layers cross, it creates a randomly located circle or rectangle, the properties of which are randomly generated as well.)
Next up is the latest in my Pattern Recognition series.
Conways Loose and glitch life. Oil on Canvas WIP
Not much to tell you about this really other than it's really pushing my technical ability, I've set my heart on a particular finish for this piece. My problem is that I don't know if my skills are up to it. It will be both frustrating and fun to find out. As a bonus you get to see parts of my Cave of Paint.
Spelunking in the cave of paint
I finally got to clamber back in to my paint cave today. Two weeks off from painting and I was going feral. I mean it. I love my kids but two weeks of constant child care and no painting was too much. I had a blast painting. I was manically happy by the end.
Selfie OverWritten by circles, (WIP) oil on board, x cm x xcm
I the reason I have so many works in progress is because I like to work on a LOT of ideas at once. These are a few of the works I've been daubing today.
Curling Union, Oil on canvas paper. 14" x 10"
The title Curling Union will change maybe. I've got more layers to add and more details like lines.
Conway's Loose Life, (WIP) Oil on canvas, 80 cm x 60 cm
The image below is part of my Pattern Recognition series. The binary background in is from the hexadecimal information from a photograph of my lovely visage. I've used the binary to seed for a very loose version of Conway's Game of life
Stuff and Guff
Soundcloud is where I put my sonic dreams. When I make them.