My face Your eyes.
Okay so things have been a bit crazy round Chez Cathal. I'm looking after my youngest 4 days a week. This could have been a willpower sapping disaster, which would result in me making nothing everyday. To combat this easy slide into mind numbing non creativeness I set myself the task of creating a self portrait everyday ( excepting weekends) .
My initial reasoning was I was thinking about the overabundance of selfies out there and how different and similar they are to art of self portraiture. I have no problem with selfies. I enjoy them, seeing my friends feeling confident enough to post an image of themselves, because they love how they look today, that's cool. Where I think selfies vs self portrait, differ is that selfies are more outward looking and self portraits are more inward looking. This is my initial thoughts and I'm interested to see where this goes.
Here's the weeks portraits so far.
Been off and away...
I've been off and about the country, not really got any painting done over the summer for a variety of reasons. But the big news headlines are.....
1) I had to drop out of the Bank Street Arts members exhibition 'Work in Progress'. Mainly because I forgot O was not at school during the summer. By all accounts it was a success.
2) I have some space in a cafe booked for 4 weeks for some work to go on the walls.
3) Managed to get work into 'Nude Tin Can art Gallery' for their exhibition, 'Geometric' and 'Horizion'
4) Had more work accepted for the Menier Gallery in London via Exhibit Here.
and finally
5) I had a really good stall at Art in the Gardens. Met some lovely creators and customers. I'll definitely try to get back next year.
Here are some images of my stall and a few of the marquee.
Not so much...Sad face
I worked my tiny Irish fingers to the bone to day and made a lot of mistakes. What's the old saying “Can't make an omelette without killing a few people.” -Neil Gaiman Neverwhere.
No-one got killed but I did murder a few portraits. Nothing I'm going to show the world. So heres an image from todays fun. Only one painting, but I give you a bonus work in progress shot. You lucky lucky lucky people.

And just for being nice here's a pun. The lower image is basically the finished piece, but the windows are not quite right. They need a bit of glazing. Boom puntastic and true.
Happiness is lino shaped
Printing is something I have wanted to have a proper go at, since being a teacher in Luton and doing lino prints with my students there. I've been lucky enough to receive contributions to my art career for this Jingly season and today I purchased the items below.
I'd be working with them right now if I didn't need to sleep ever.
On an aside, having to work in short bursts has been a real challenge for me. I'm use to working on numerous paintings at a time over a period of weeks. This is no longer possible due to minor things like life getting in the way. So I'm working smaller and quicker. This is todays offering.
'A titanium nod towards dawn' oil on oil painting paper, 10" x 7 ".
It's a painting of a the Peak Districts in Sheffield during the winter of 2013. It's from a photograph I took.
Stuff and Guff
Soundcloud is where I put my sonic dreams. When I make them.