Landscape Cathal Lindsay Landscape Cathal Lindsay

Happiness is lino shaped

Printing is something I have wanted to have a proper go at, since being a teacher in Luton and doing lino prints with my students there. I've been lucky enough to receive contributions to my art career for this Jingly season and today I purchased the items below. 

I'd be working with them right now if I didn't need to sleep ever.
On an aside, having to work in short bursts has been a real challenge for me. I'm use to working on numerous paintings at a time over a period of weeks.  This is no longer possible due to minor things like life getting in the way. So I'm working smaller and quicker. This is todays offering.
'A titanium nod towards dawn' oil on oil painting paper, 10" x 7 ".
It's a painting of a the Peak Districts in Sheffield during the  winter of 2013. It's from a  photograph I took. 

A titanium nod towards dawn by Cathal Lindsay
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Landscape Cathal Lindsay Landscape Cathal Lindsay

Great slabs of paint....

Monday was a great big time suck. Today was NOT a Monday. I repeat not a time sucky Monday. Perhaps in some strange quirk of timey wimey science all the time I lost on Monday was transported into Tuesday.  Yeah that was obviously it. 

I got my commission finished and completed another 4 paintings. Of the 4 I believe a nights sleep will help me smite them with my hammer of judgement in a rational manner. 

As I won't get much more painting done this week, I'll dangle them one at a time like the Sword of Damocles above your waiting unblinking eye.

Blue Scarp


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Landscape Cathal Lindsay Landscape Cathal Lindsay

Back from the depths...

I know I let you down. It wasn't my fault really. It's not you  its me ... well my laptop really. My laptop's power cable to be precise. The cable went fizz... pop... pop... fizz the other day and along with having no power I was a tad concerned that I'd lost EVERYTHING.  Thankfully it was just a temporary  interruption  in the flow of electrons. 

You will be glad to know that it takes more than a dodgy power cable to stop me from painting. I've got a few new works (and some old works) that I'm going to be posting on Etsy over the next few weeks. 

It's late and I'm trying to not burn out so here is one of the images.  Stay rested and medium rare.

The Island of holy orange

The island of holy orange,  Oil on primed board, 9" x 9". 

It's based on a fun jaunt to Holy Island a few years ago. 

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Stuff and Guff

Soundcloud is where I put my sonic dreams. When I make them.