Glitch Cathal Lindsay Glitch Cathal Lindsay

something about a glitch in review.

 I was inspired by some work on the Glitch artists collective on FB  to make a random year in the life of glitch video just for fun.

At some point I shall write a tutorial on howto do this as I think I have it now.


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Glitch Cathal Lindsay Glitch Cathal Lindsay

something about the vexed and the painted

At last a sunny warm day. So naturally I retreated to familiar smells and sights of the cave o' paint. The ongoing saga of my two main works in progress. I could ramble on at length just to fill whitespace, but I'd rather just show and tell.

Rule 102 (working title) 48" x 30", oil on canvas. 

Rule 102 (working title) 48" x 30", oil on canvas. 

I've got lots to do on this - I spent roughly an hour staring at this and about 2 hours painting today. I think it's coming on well, the eye for one thing needs a lot of work. There will be a lot of echoing of shapes and probably more definition and use of the rule 102. 

Then I got vexed at this work below. 

l//k/b/bh//s/, 30" x 48" oil on canvas

l//k/b/bh//s/, 30" x 48" oil on canvas

It's not very obvious from the photo but collectively the number of edges that are off, are enoug to throw complete sections out of whack with the rest of the image. I have a few ideas on how to handle this, but if they fail I'll either gesso over the whole thing or just parts of it. Painting this has taught me a number of things. Things that are hard to express verbally, but I want to try a lot of ideas out on  a smaller scale. 

Well thanks for reading and iI hope your day and all future days are productive. 

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Glitch Cathal Lindsay Glitch Cathal Lindsay

Enter the Glitchness....

One of my hobbies is glitching my artwork. I've spent whole nights doing this. I might start at 7 and plan to do a hour or 2, but I always end up bleary eyed and hearing the morning birdsong.  This is my art365 today as I've spent the afternoon posting work on  Redbubble

Below are some of my glitches. I've got more to add but my mind is melting.

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Glitch Cathal Lindsay Glitch Cathal Lindsay

All bunged up and no where to go....

The images in this ost are a bit flashy and strobey. If you have a condition that you are aware of that is triggered by flashing lights of strobing, do not open the link. Thanks.

I've started my first commission, it's  going well but I'm annoyed at, my lack of progress. The egg of a cold is in my head and it doesn't want me to think too much. I'll not be posting any images of the commission until it's completed. Well I might do detail shots. Any way below are some glitchy gifs I've done in the past. They are a hobby of mine.

I must warn you that some of the images below are a bit strobey, so if you suffer from epilepsy or know flashing lights can set off your seizures don't go any further.



Si's Glitchy Envelope - Audacity Glitch.

Bear in the Glitchness,  Audacity Glitch. 
A painting I really liked, but no-one else seemed to,  I gave it a new lease of life a s a glitch. 

Al in the Glitchness, Audacity Glitch.
A lone Al face the bleak unending glitch


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Stuff and Guff

Soundcloud is where I put my sonic dreams. When I make them.