Cathal Lindsay Cathal Lindsay

Been a while again

I’m back for a bit. Not making any promises about for how long. I do have access to a garage that I’m slowly getting made into my studio, so hopefully I can get back to painting again. I’ve made some stuff I’m happy with. Happy enough to put it up here.

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Cathal Lindsay Cathal Lindsay

Dangerous Clive looking shadey

I've spent about 7 -9 hrs on this. I'm glad to know that I can still mantain focus for that long. I'm miffed that my arms don't like to be held horizontal for asking as the use to. It makes shading a bit of a pain.

I'm going to watch more of my course and see what things I can glean from it to help me improve on my shading and tonal identification.

The lower jaw still irks me. The proportions are correct, or they seem so. But they are probably off by mils and that has a culminative effect of looking wrong. Anyway, it's the best I can do at the moment in terms of skill and patience.

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Statement of intent Cathal Lindsay Statement of intent Cathal Lindsay

Statement of Intent v1.0.2

I don’t have a studio, nor can i afford one. I don’t have space. I want to paint, but I have many barriers to that activity. Some self imposed, others imagined, some insurmountable.

I want to finish my MA; I want to move forward, but the barriers remain.

The drawings I make for practice and glitches I create scratch a creative itch but they rarely satisfy.

I made an image today. The image encapsulates what want to explore. Einsturzende Neubauten recorded a soundtrack to Faustmusik a play by Werner Schwab. The sound track was composed with the materials such as tables, pages, books, rulers and writing sounds . I need like Einstruzende Neubauten, to embrace the materals. I must use the mechanisms of writing. The forms and rituals.

Desk, pen, pencil, paper, A4 , words and line . These are my tools, my baoundaires. Established in view of my barriers and current limitations.

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Cathal Lindsay Cathal Lindsay

Horizontal Circular Hue Array

My coding is coming on well, I wrote this as an array, using OOP in processing really really quickly. I’m really practicing the format of arrays and using classes. The more advanceed actually challenging stuff is coming up, using trigononmetery, and creating more complex sketches.

This is my days work. A challenge is to make the bubbles shine, pop and make new smaller bubbles. I’ll work on that.

Cricles move across the screen and chane colour when clicked on.

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Stuff and Guff

Soundcloud is where I put my sonic dreams. When I make them.