Been off and away...
I've been off and about the country, not really got any painting done over the summer for a variety of reasons. But the big news headlines are.....
1) I had to drop out of the Bank Street Arts members exhibition 'Work in Progress'. Mainly because I forgot O was not at school during the summer. By all accounts it was a success.
2) I have some space in a cafe booked for 4 weeks for some work to go on the walls.
3) Managed to get work into 'Nude Tin Can art Gallery' for their exhibition, 'Geometric' and 'Horizion'
4) Had more work accepted for the Menier Gallery in London via Exhibit Here.
and finally
5) I had a really good stall at Art in the Gardens. Met some lovely creators and customers. I'll definitely try to get back next year.
Here are some images of my stall and a few of the marquee.
Stuff and Guff
Soundcloud is where I put my sonic dreams. When I make them.