Something darkly positive

Some of my new experiments, which really help me. Just painting as the ideas come and not worrying about consistency. I have recently bought myself a set of lettering stencils and I'm having lots of fun playing with them.

The image below was going to be something else in my head, but I went on a tangent due to the music I was listening to. The text should read, "There is no text but that which we type."

The music I was listening to was Detox by Strapping Young Lad. I find it a very dark yet cathartic song. Full of rage yet selfaware of it'sangst. It's the self deprecating anger and the unrelenting pace of the tune I love. I wanted the work to be a mess of ideas and yet retain structure.

"Don’t confuse legibility with communication, just because something is legible doesn’t mean it communicates and more importantly doesn’t mean it communicates the right thing." - David Carson.

I have a bit more to add on top of it.


Something about embarrAssment and evolution of an idea


Something about structure and coping.