Something about the plastic and the digital

I've been really absent from here recently, but it's not like I haven't been busy. My new series is coming along great.  It's a lot of long hours.  Today for example I've spent 5 hours working on one image, glitching it (choosing the right glitches, corrupting the image too much and compiling the images into a gif in PS ) and pushing my old laptop well past it's processing power.

My efforts are rewarded with QR code below.

thr//s/xt//n QR

This is stage three in my master plan. Follow the QR code to see stage two. Stage four isHERE.

Stage 5 is yet to be completed.

I'm out of the studio for the next week or so. As a result my work will mainly be digital and code based.


Something about being absent.


Something about code and life in 2 dimensions