Square Peg - with Artcan in the circle gallery

I probably should go into my mental health issues, but I'm still dealing with them and its quite difficult to clarify my thoughts on it, due to the nature of my thoughts. It has been hard for me to find moments of brightness in my current gloom, however one of those fleeting moments was brought to me by Kate Enters of Art Can. 

I've been  a bit flaky in getting work done over the last year, but Kate showed faith in my abilities and asked me to produce two paintings for the 'Square Peg' exhibition at the circle gallery in Sheffield.  It was hairy at times, but I got there. The work produced I am really proud of, it's strong and does a good job of communicating my intentions. 

The exhibition was a group exhibition and I was honored to show my work among such talent. Over the next few posts I intend to speak about the artists I have met and exhibited with.  

Below is an over view of the works on display in the Circle Gallery . The exhibition is worth seeing, the way Kate curated the works helped add layers of nuance to the works, drawing subtle connections out. 


Lupercalia eve.


Something about renewal and fresh starts