Something about dedicated focus.

I've been watching with mild jealousy, my Instagram and Facebook feed. Recently the Flux exhibition happened in London, and it's been filling my feeds. I wish I could have attended, I wish my art was there. I wish. I wish. I wish. Wish are just signposts to action. 

I enjoy my job. Painting and having fun. I need to build more skills and refine my technical abilities, which means I feel I need to put most ofthe fun to one side and crack on with 'work'.  Work in this sense is doing the type of painting that will advance my skills and doing that regularly. Daily. I have obstacles, like everyone else, but I also have advantages others lack. 

I'm being very vauge. (I feel vauge.) I'm setting off on a year(ish) long plan of creating portraits and figure studies. My natural tendency is to rush head long into all my tangential ideas. But I need to be strict and develop my skills in handling realism. I'm going to still play with the generative, glitch and abstract ideas, that's what keeps me having fun. But I need to focus to bring myself up to scratch. 

The images below are from the first few days of this. 

untitled self glitch

untitled self glitch

Your uniformity does not impress me. Oil on board. 9" x9".

Your uniformity does not impress me. Oil on board. 9" x9".

All I ever wanted. Oil on canvas paper. 10" x 14".

All I ever wanted. Oil on canvas paper. 10" x 14".


Something time constrained


Something done, something blue