Something uncomfortably numb

Well that was probably the coldest I've been in a while. My thoughts are with those less fortunate that me and have to be out in those temperatures over night.

The cold meant my fingers were numb, so my work was pretty basic. I'll have too come up with a heating plan as I can't paint in those temperatures.  

Although the work looks like I've regressed, I'm trying to push my envelope and these are faltering steps in that direction. I'm starting to feel my ideas about these images push in a direction, that involves, social media, glitch ( revealing the truth of digital image like the impressionists did with their painterly style) ideas of simulacrum, identity, artificial intelligence and self generating imagery. Lots in there so the battle is to just keep painting the images without forcing these ideas into them. As someone much wiser than me once said in paraphrase " Creation and analysis are two different modes"

So I'll keep creating and let the ideas and thoughts weed themselves out. 

Below are some studies that I've just started, but as I said the cold weather made my fingers numb and sapped my concentration. So I'm not happy with the work. 

study 1

study 1

study 2

study 2

study 3

study 3

Until next time art lookers. Same Cathal channel, probably at a different time.


Something glitched


Something done