Something's back....


I'm back and intend to do a post of some sort at least once a week. Yay for good intentions! 

I've got this fancy new app that allows me to post on the fly. Woo Hoo! 

So here's what has been happening visually in the deathtrap cave o'paint today. (I hope. I'm testing out this new app thing I mentioned so if this post is rubbish blame the technologists.)

Moral mathematics of life 75cm x 100 cm oil on canvas

Moral mathematics of life 75cm x 100 cm oil on canvas

I finally got this work back from London. A dear friend was looking after it for me. I've not been happy with it so I'm adding to it. That's what the purple, yellow and pale grey bits are. They are improving it! Seriously! Gah! Forget you!

Also worked on today was  


The heart shape thingy (technical art term) was naff so I re-did it. But looking at both options, I want the black back. 

So here's to next week and more paint filled frolics in the meantime.


Not for you


something about the vexed and the painted