Sheffield in colour.

I'm enjoying my travels around Sheffield city. It is full of interesting quirky areas and industrial areas. I've yet to explore the more industrial areas and Park Hill, as I have felt a little limited by child care.  Hopefully I will be able to use one day a week to explore seek out the hidden treasures Sheffield keeps.

Sheffield in Colour. 10"  x 7" Oil on oil painting  paper.

The original idea was to focus on line and colour,  but I felt the image was a bit lackluster. I decided work instead with colour and mass. I also wanted to get a sense of perspective. (Not in a personal sense. There's the pun you were holding out for.)

Sheffield in Colour.

 This is the final piece below. I'm quite happy with it. It was fun to paint and I managed to pull in some of the line work I wanted. At the moment I feel the depth in the image is a bit shallow, but  I'll see how it looks in the morning and I'll get a decent photo of the work as well. 

Sheffield in colour, 10" x 7", Oil on oil painting paper.

Quick Daubs


Algorithmic Print Experiments