In sickness and wasps


I've not been here as often, as I would like recently, but here's what's new.  My kids have been ill which has really sucked. I know looking after one ill child is tiring, but two feck me.  I seemed to spend all of my energy on them and have none left over for art making.

I eventually got back in my cave of paint yesterday. My enthusiasm was quickly squashed by a swarm of wasps, that launched an attack on me mid painting. Well... when I say swarm and attacked,  I mean one, solitary winter  drowsy wasp, who so happened to take a rest on my jumper. I responded by bravely panicking and yelling words that would make a sailor cry. I courageously removed my jumper, encasing the wasp within and placed the jumper securely in a bin bag. The bin bag was placed within a bin and later removed and safely squashed by the  binmen.  Hooray! 

Further investigation of the cave of paint has revealed a burgeoning wasps nest which is to be dealt with.

I had started this before I was rudely interrupted. I have dedicated my study of Sheffield city to that ill fated wasp. It is destined to be a study for a larger more abstract piece based on Sheffield city.  

Dodging the swarm, Oil on Oil painting  paper, 10" x 7" - Sheffield city study for a larger piece.

Dodging the swarm, Oil on Oil painting  paper, 10" x 7" - Sheffield city study for a larger piece.

I hope your day remains waspless and warm. 


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Piranesi Reimprisioned