Well hello again. It's another post from me. The week has been a busy one, both art wise and life wise ( I say life and mean housework. I don't want to bore you with the details so I won't.) My main news is I have begun a series of test linocuts. The response to which has been more than favorable.
Below is my print station. I would work in the cave but that means cleaning up my oil painting the table wins.
I was hoping to get more of the printing finished, but thats not how it worked out. So I'll be getting that sorted this week. I have a few pieces of lino to use, and experiment with. I'll try some portrait, landscape and more dice work. Oh I should say the prints below are based on a simple algorithm I devised. I'll just run off and get the fun spreadsheet. BRB!
The spreadsheet gives the DIRection of the line, the DIStance of the line and which linocutter should be used to cut the line. The numbers beside the DIR and DIS are dice that are to be used to calculate variable. STG means Stage, LYR means Layer. That probably doesn't help at all. Spreadsheets are fun!!
Below is a gallery of prints made by the algorithm (they are all the same linocut, but with different inks)
In other news I made more paintings and kittens are still cute! I'll post the paintings tomorrow.