Out and about in sheffield

I've been out and about using  my eye holes and a camera to get some ideas for some new cityscapes. Here's what I've been looking at with my eyes.

Sheffield's Green Tardis. I don't  know why more people don't know about this.

Sheffield's Green Tardis. I don't  know why more people don't know about this.

I'm thinking of treating each image in a different way. I will also glitch the images. I find something satisfying about glitching images. Using code and software to bend data in ways it was never meant to be bent. 

A rooftop somewhere in Sheffield

A rooftop somewhere in Sheffield

Windows above a lovely department store.

Windows above a lovely department store.

More windows.

More windows.

A dash of colour.

A dash of colour.


Embrace the glitchness


20% cathalpaint website launch!